Affinity Spaces
I recently read an excerpt from Henry Jenkins’ book Convergence Culture which focused on the idea of “affinity spaces”. These are nontraditional learning spaces within education that allow better participation and engage by students using media and sometimes pop culture.
Peter Paul Rubens’ Medici Cycle:
Social Vanity or Political Strategy?
A thesis analyzing Marie de’ Medici’s social, political and strategical ambitions during her lifetime in relation to Peter Paul Rubens’ Medici Cycle.
Social Media Negatively Affecting Mental Health
Even with social media sites like Facebook where users are expected to give names and pictures and other information, users can be anyone and say nearly anything. This shield of anonymity gives online bullies free rein.
An Example of
An “Up Stander”
FOSI believes “up standers” are children who stand up against negative actions and character online as well as those who make a difference.
Ten-year-old Nyeeam Hudson is a prime example of an “up stander.”
So I Wrote A Book
Over the last two years, I’ve been working on my first novel The Underground. Working on it started as an outlet during a stressful job and has accumulated into something I’m extremely proud of. Here’s how it started.
FOMO: Fear of Missing Out
This is the idea of users spending excessive time on social media in fear and anxiety that they are missing out on a social opportunity. An article from theguardian.com gives this statistic…
Feminists, Activists, Leaders & Role Models
Some important women of history.